Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yom Ha'atzma'aut Sameach!!!


frum single female said...

thats the cutest picture mm!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, a thought FLASHED through my mind! Now we see tzionim (-os?) are chashudos on arayos!

Maidel said...

Anon - No clue what any of those words mean....

Anonymous said...

There's a story how R' Boruch Ber Leibowitz sat down in the middle of Hatikva. He was asked why did he stand at the beginning of Hatikva but sit down in the middle? (Someone offered that it's like kiddush. LOL) He said first he remembered his Rebbe saying that Zionim were chashudim (suspected) of shfichus damim (killing) so he stood so he wouldn't be killed. Then in the middle of Hatikva he sat down because he remembered that Zionus was like avodah zarah - so for one of the big 3 sins he had to get killed rather than transgress.

From this picture, we see the girl did a big tzniyus no-no, which I jokingly compared to arayos (the other of the big 3 sins). Sorry if it's not too funny