Tuesday, March 3, 2009

american history x

According to my 11 year old cousin's Rebbe, Abraham Lincoln was shot because he freed the slaves.

Yup, apparently because Ham was cursed with blackness and slavery, Lincoln went against the Torah when he abolished slavery. And so he was punished by being shot and killed.

Should I be happy that at least my cousin is learning some version of American History in his Yeshiva?


harry-er than them all said...

what do you mean, thats not true? aww man, all these years they lied to me...

Unknown said...

OMG, just when I thought I couldn't hear anything more disgusting coming out of these yeshivos.

Mikeinmidwood said...

Thats been around for so long, and you missed the second part. Kennedy was also shot because he ended segregation.

fakewood inc. said...

i love it.

Anonymous said...

If Abraham Lincoln was killed as a divine punishment for freeing the slaves, then why did John Wilkes Booth suffer such an awful death (hid in a barn which was set on fire, then shot to death), and his co-conspirators hanged? Even Dr. Samuel Mudd, who treated Booth for a broken leg (many believe he did not know who Booth even was) was sentenced to life in prison. Why would G-d punish those who fulfilled His will? Or are they being rewarded now in Olam Haba for their great work?

Anonymous said...

"According to my 11 year old cousin's Rebbe,"

What yeshiva is he in? It's l'toeles: so no one should send their kids there.

Anonymous said...

This is as bad as how the liberals distort American history to fit with their agenda. This is pretty sick stuff. Why teach it at all if you are not going to teach it correctly? Was he implying that there should still be slavery?

Real and Wright said...

While we're on the subject, a couple of weeks ago i witnessed(when it was nice in NY) a group of frum boys playing basketball when thir ball rolled away. A black kid nearby threw it back to them.
"Say thank you," the kids teacher instructed.
"But...he's a shvartza," said the kid.

Chinuch nowadays is messed up. People are too insular. We need to get more material, MM!

chanie said...
