Monday, November 10, 2008

don't hate me because im smart

Once upon a time, in a city not so far away, a good friend of mine, Estella, put up a profile on JDate.

Estella was a rather good-looking girl, was a rather accomplished girl, and funny and witty too (she is friends with me, after all).

But Estella wasn't getting lucky.

On JDate that is.

So Estella made a few changes to her profile.

She edited out the PhD and the profession. She edited in 'some college' and 'secretary'.

And she got lucky.

What's the moral of this story?

Do smart girls scare Jewish boys?


frumskeptic said...

smart girls scare boys...not just the Jewish ones

Tanya said...

Agree with you MM & frumskeptic, need to find the really smart boys who aren't intimidated by female intelligence and accomplishments...
Not holding my breath...

katrina said...

Ditto what frumskeptic said. It's only true in general, but boy, does that cover a lot of people. I felt so blessed to meet a guy who is a: 1) as smart or smarter than I am; and 2) psyched that I'm smart, and that I know things that he doesn't. (As I am for him--someone should be good at math, and it's not going to be me). Finding 1) isn't so much of a problem. What pisses me off is how many of those ones think that THEY are allowed to go to an Ivy and/or a top-10 law school, but you must be in a lower-status profession. Grow up, guys!

G6 said...

Do smart girls scare Jewish boys?
You bet they do!!!
See my post on Just say no to dumbing down shidduchim.
Did your friend *really* get lucky, or is she stuck now for all eternity with a guy who's as interesting as a doorknob?

Mikeinmidwood said...

Two meanings to the last comment.

Dina said...

In my, thankfully, long-gone and brief days of dating, I recall being advised to act "not so smart" so as not to scare the poor ickle boys. Could not see why I should be interested in dating anyone that easily frightened. (The fact that said advice came, inter alia, from a 45-year-old unmarried man did not serve to inspire confidence.)

Anonymous said...

i don't think boys are scared of or hate smart girls. smart people can be intimidating and seen as aloof or distant. typically, the man is the giver and the woman receiver so if a girl is smarter, it can send things off kilter. but that's just typical. it's all relative really.

frumskeptic said...

punk: awesome line! :)

Maidel said...

ever notice that really smart people are often really socially awkward?

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Yes, I do think smart girls scare boys.

maidel: about smart people being socially awkward, I've noticed that, but it depends, it can go both ways, depends what you use your smartness for. Some use their brains to remember every tv episode, actors names, song artsists, fashion and all kinds of stuff, some can use it to be knowledgable about what's going on in the world. Some can use it academically, and some can use it for around the house.

SO I wouldn't say that they totally don't like smart girls. Just they get intimidated when it's used in certain ways.

It's funny, cause I always remember in movies they had these plastic girls, blond's that were always supposed to be dumb. But yet really their not dumb, legally blond proves that. They just use their brains to know about beauty stuff, instead of academic stuff.

BaruchAttta said...

When I started dating, I was told by a very wise and old rabbi to "marry down" that is, find a girl that was not as smart.
Too bad I took that advice.
Boys, here is the best advice, get the nicest, smartest, prettiest, richest girl that you can. In that order. If you like her, that's a plus.