Wednesday, July 23, 2008

solving the shidduch crisis


So I've heard that there are too many frum single girls...

And I've also heard that there aren't enough chassidish single girls...


Anyone want a Satmar cutie?

(think he'll let me wear jogging pants?)


Anonymous said...

very funny but I have a serious solution to the whole problem. Frum girls shouldn't be ridiculiously hard to ask out.
It might just be me but in my experience frum girls just don't say yes to being asked out directly. Instead, its neccesary to go through an agent. The real problem is the shadchan phenomenon. When will girls begin to trust their own minds in making one of the most important decisions of their lives and not rely on other people as a crutch?

Maidel said...

interesting. as a frum girl, i didnt realize how hard it was to ask me out.
in fact, when i do get asked out its usually by a non-jew with more guts!

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I've heard this idea suggested a million times already. Seems like its the newest trend.

rbtzn said...

hilarious :-D