Thursday, October 17, 2013

So now I'm a grown-up

As the big 3-0 comes closer and closer (don't worry, not for a few more years, but still closer than the great 2-0), I've been coming to terms with the fact that I really am a grown-up. I used to wonder how it was that people crossed over from optimist, fun-filled youth to negative, serious adulthood. I remember, even as a kid, wondering why adults didn't seem to remember being a kid themselves.
I used to think that being an adult was when you: a) paid taxes and bills, b) got married, c) bought a house and d) had a kid of your own. Well, now that I'm 4 for 4, I have no more excuses to hold onto. I just saw that movie with Paul Rudd called 'This is 40' and while I'm nowhere near 40, there were so many things I could relate to in the film. Go watch it (it might be free on HBO right now).
I was at the mall the other day and the lady at the Clinique counter suggested I try some eye cream. Am I really gonna have wrinkles soon if I don't use any? I haven't found a gray hair yet, but then maybe I've been purposely not looking? Who has time to look for grays when I barely have time to comb my hair, let alone take a shower without someone crying or knocking on the bathroom door or sticking their head in when I think I've got a few minutes to shave my legs. Yes, this is a Married Maidel's life. Who woulda thought just a few years back? Maybe the reason why adults are so grumpy and negative is because we're so busy taking care of the very people we've created.
I also think I've discovered why women don't age as well as men - we're the ones getting up at night. That definitely can't be good for our skin.

Should Frum Single Girls Freeze their Eggs?

First off  - huuge Mazel Tov to Halle Berry! No, she's not a yid, but she's gorgeous and just gave birth to her second child, a boy, at the ripe old age of 47. Every news outlet has her saying that this is a "big surprise". I don't know if you could call it that. A surprise pregnancy is when a 16 year old girl doesn't know her boyfriend's condom has a hole in it. A surprise pregnancy is when a woman manages to get preggers even though she's got an IUD, is on the pill and doesn't let her husband touch her. Getting pregnant at 47 is not a surprise - it's a lot of work and money and crazy. But the fact that Halle and a bunch of other female celebs who are past their prime have been getting pregnant has apparently duped a whole generation of American women into thinking that pushing off motherhood is a real option.
Well some of us are not that dumb. The biological clock is a real thing and it slows down after 40.
Apparently, there is a new trend on the UWS and who-knows-where-else for Frum 'Older' Singles to freeze their eggs. Some women who have not yet 'met their beshert' realize that with every birthday their chances at starting a family gets slimmer. 'Older' singles could feel they must come to terms with the fact that they might never get married. Or when they finally do get married, they could encounter a host of health risks and difficulties associated with pregnancy after a certain age. Egg freezing when you still have some good ones could be a viable option for these women. I'm sure it's not an easy decision to make. Financially or emotionally. It means coming to terms with your age and your status as a non-married.
I can't say that I relate (BH), but I really sympathize with these women for making this courageous decision.
But just wondering - what happens when these women come to a point in their life - say at age 42 - when they realize that marriage just may not be in the cards? With modern technology, a woman no longer needs to be married or have a man in her life to get pregnant. Would it be halachically permissible for a frum woman to have a child out of wedlock? Would it be better if she had the sperm 'donated' by a friend vs an anonymous registry? I'm sure someone out there on the webiverse has written about this sensitive topic. I'm just way too tired from my own babes to look it up ;)
(Seriously - with these dark circles under my eyes that even Clinique can't conceal, I'm pretty sure a woman's desire to have a child was also part of Chava's curse)

Guess who's baack (back again)

I know you've missed me. I've definitely missed you too. And this Maidel is back with more material than ever.

It's been quite a minute since I've written on here, let alone written anything. And my fingers are itching to let you in on my vida loca and my crazy thoughts.

Sorry for ignoring ya'll for so long, but as most married's know, it's kinda hard to jump out of the honeymoon bubble that is the first few years of wedded bliss.

Now I've come back to earth  - still in bliss - but a baby has sure popped that bubble.

Oh - did I mention I had a couple of those?

Now you know what keeps me up at night :)