Wednesday, February 17, 2010

baby daddy in the club

I was at a party last week celebrating V-day (ok, not so Jewish, but almost everyone there was).
It was the kind of scene where everyone is checking everyone else out, looking for the perfect person - to go home with that night.

Not exactly my type of situation, but I knew a lot of people and I had a good time nonetheless (thanks to my chicas).
I spotted this guy I know. Kind of surprised to see him there. On V-day.
Especially because his wife is 8 months pregnant. And wasnt with him.
Where your babby daddy at?

Baby daddy was also seen rolling some illegal substances while at said party..... his kid's gonna have some role model....


Yosef said...

Lots of nice people out there...

Jessica said...

Back when I was living in NY I was at a shabbas meal and there was a guy there whose wife was in the hospital because she was feeling contractions too early in the pregnancy. He was a really classy fellow. Ended up picking a fight with me and my hubby (two very laid back, mellow people) and we left early. Classy fellow.

Mystery Woman said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe she couldn't go out or didn't want to and she encouraged him to go anyway???? Well we can delude ourselves.

Ookamikun said...

He was just there to do kiruv. ;-)

The Way said...

Is it that the substance is illegal or that it was a substance? Would it have been a problem if he was having a beer? Does illegality equal immorality?

Tom said...

one way - YES! of course illegality = immorality!

Ookamikun said...

What's wrong with smoking up anywhere?