Sunday, July 12, 2009

mm chats with a black man

This is a snippet of an actual conversation I had with a Brother in the city last week. (and by 'Brother', I don't mean a family member) He was in a security uniform, I was walking with a friend, and I just couldn't resist making conversation. This conversation would have never happened with a Jewish guy.

MM: Hey, what's going on? Why's there security here?
Brother: They're filming a movie here. You girls from out of town?
MM: No, we live here. Are you from out of town?
B: Nah, I'm from Brooklyn.
MM: No way... Where in Brooklyn are you from?
B: Crown Heights. You know it?
MM: Serious? I got friends there!
B: Ya right - you have friends who are black?
MM: Ya, why not? Don't you have white friends?
B: You wanna be my friend?
MM: Haha - my friends in Crown Heights are Jewish.
B: You're Jewish?
MM: Ya, you can't tell? You think all white people look the same?
B: I know that there are Italians and Greeks and Irish and Jewish people, but I can't tell the difference. But in Crown Heights the Jews have those curly hair things.
MM: Not the Jews in Crown Heights. Those Jews just have beards.
B: Yes they do. Come over and I'll show you that they do.
MM: Hey, I like your grill.
B: Thanks - I got diamond cut.
MM: My friend's grandmother has a grill.
B: Oh ya?
MM: She's Russian.
B: Hahahaha. You're hot.
MM: No, you're hot.
B: Haha, no, for real, you're fine.
MM: No, you're fine.


Anonymous said...

this may be an odd question (I'm not sure) but what is a "grill"? In Oz it's the place on the stove where you cook chops and sausages; or kasher raw liver.
But that doesn't fit in the context here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

google 'gold grill'

Anonymous said...


הצעיר שלמה בן רפאל לבית שריקי ס"ט said...

Somehow the "you're hot"/"you're fine" part of the conversation sounds like it might end with a certain maidel in a very compromising position in someones bed in Crown Heights..

Maidel said...

sorry Israeli,
I'm just not that kind of maidel...

הצעיר שלמה בן רפאל לבית שריקי ס"ט said...

By the way, I didn't want to say anything, but that title is sooo racist..

Anonymous said...

A grill is jewels in one's really upscale braces...MM you rock!!

Anonymous said...

mmmm...MM, how can i get in ur mouth? ;)

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Are you serious? Did this conversation really happen?

You must be really brave and outgoing, and sounds flirty too.

I wouldn't be able to have such a conversation with anyone, no matter if their Jewish or not.

Techno Turor said...

Goood job