Thursday, March 26, 2009

talking to boys = very very bad

I think I've finally realized that maybe my Sem Rebbes were right about this. Talking to boys just isn't so kosher.

This week, two boys at work asked me out. You think I should be flattered? I'm not. Definitely not Potentials. (I will say that both are very nice, kinda cute and if you are interested, I would totally set you up)

I think my problem is that I'm a little too chatty. If you're my friend reading this, I know you're laughing right now because I'm finally admitting to this! lol As my friends will attest - I talk to everyone. And it's got me into some interesting situations in the past. Like this one - where I have to work with people who want to get involved in some office romance (which I am definitely not interested in unless it comes with a nice promotion).

Why do boys seem to mistake my friendliness for flirtiness? (that sentence probably doesn't make sense, but who's checking - anonymous maybe?)

I think from now on, when I see a guy, I'm gonna do the yeshiva boy look-down, avoid making eye contact, just walk by and not say a word, not even a smile.

Unless of course, he can get me a raise....


nava said...

ha ha! I had the exact same problem, even though I'm really, really shy! I don't actually know why guys assumed I was flirting; maybe wishful thinking on their part? Or that just have a girl be genuinely nice is such a shock they assume there must be a motive? Don't know. Either way, at this point being married, pregnant and a mom is a bit of a cushion against this, but not much. I learned to just ignore it, and when a guy got a little too friendly in response I would adjust my own attentions a bit until they got the hint. That way I didn't have to turn anyone down :)

Dee said...

it's totally normal. a lot of guys like girls who talk a lot- so i don't blame them.

you go girl!!

NotaGeek! said...

Maybe somebody from your work should read this post and you'll get your promotion... Or you'll just have to work for it...

Michelle said...

I have the same problem, too.

I am nice to people who work in the local stores; I am careful to greet them because many people don't.
They take it the wrong way and hit on me immediately.

Maidel said...

aww it's nice to know i'm not alone in this!