Sunday, January 18, 2009

mm hearts brooklyn

you probably think I'm a NY hater from some of my previous posts...
But I really do love NYC.
I really love Brooklyn.
I should specify Jewish Brooklyn - most notably Flatbush and Boro Park - because where else would I go?
I love that Brooklyn is like Israel West (calling it mini Israel doesn't feel right considering the country is the size of New Jersey).
Ever shopped in Geulah in J-town? Or spent a Shabbos in Bnai Brak?
If you want to get that feeling again, look no further than 13th Ave! Same people, same language, same shops. And best of all - no passport required! (not to mention reduced airfare)
Brooklyn is the only place outside of the Holy Land where you don't have to worry about finding a kosher restaurant or look for hechshers. Or find a minyan at 6 am if you're a guy. Or remember to buy flowers for Shabbos. (thank you Mexico!)
I know how some people hate the Brooklyn mentality - where everyone copies one another, tries to outdo one another, knows your business - but as long as you recognize that these people will not and cannot change - it actually becomes quite humorous! (cmon, you can't help but laugh how EVERY single girl there looks exactly the same)


G6 said...

I've personally always wondered about the eight little girls in matching outfits.
What happens when the oldest one outgrows it??
I've NEVER seen the oldest in anything non matching so I'm assuming they chuck the whole lot.
How do they afford NOT doing hand me downs?

EsPes said...

yayyy i was just in boro park for a whole week!!!

Mikeinmidwood said...

I think the same way about all chasidim, cant tell them apart.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I've noticed that they dress the same with matching outfits. I noticed they spend a lot of money on their children too. When I was in elementary school, it was always the boro park kids that had the fancy pens, looseleafs, breif cases. And all the stationary.

But yes, I noticed they all have a similar dress style. Reminds me of when i went to Skver, and how I saw girls dressed all the same at a wedding, with jumpers that looked like uniform jumpers.

And it is a cool feeling to walk on Shabbos there in the streets with no cars. I've never had that experience in Israel, but I've heard its like that, so I can imagine it.

and all the conveniences are good!

Anonymous said...

You said: Brooklyn is the only place outside of the Holy Land where you don't have to worry about finding a kosher restaurant or look for hechshers. Or find a minyan at 6 am if you're a guy. Or remember to buy flowers for Shabbos.

No, you can do all those things also on the Upper West Side, and ALSO visit museums, improve your mind, and live a classy life. N'est ce pas?
C'mon, sweetie, expand your mind a little bit, you can be kosher and intelligent, and still shop too much!

Yossi G.

Maidel said...

I don't know - Brooklyn is still waaay more Jewish than the UWS!

frumskeptic said...

maidel- certain parts of Brooklyn. I don't live in Jew-ville, tho I think in about 10-15 yrs the Jews will take over my neighborhood. :-/