Sunday, December 7, 2008

jews vs. goyim

Miss S. had an interesting article entitled "Does Chosen = Superior?":

I have some young nephews who go to a pretty frum Yeshiva in Boro Park. Their education seems to divide the world between "yiddin" and "goyim". They'll often tell me jokes where "A goy" is similar to what was once a polak or a blond - someone who is dumb or evil or has any quality that is directly opposite of that of the 'Jewish hero' of their story.

My nephews rarely have any interaction with anyone that isn't Frum, let alone not Jewish. And I will admit that growing up, I rarely did either. The only non-Jews I knew well were babysitters or secular teachers (even then, our school preferred to hire Jews for those positions!). Even the technically not-Jewish summer camp I attended was almost 100% Jewish and kosher.

It was only when I went to college that I began to realize that there are other people out there in the world! I became friends with Asians and Black people who didn't have accents or work as house cleaners!

But I was never racist. I never considered myself, and still don't consider myself in any way better because I am Jewish. Proud? Yes, definitely. But better? No. Different - maybe.

So why do these schools insist on teaching children that goyim are less worthy? Is the 'Goy' their equivalent of a Disney Villian - an easily identifiable characterization of what is 'bad' for children to comprehend?


Mikeinmidwood said...

Some goyim think the same way about us. not saying its right.

NotaGeek! said...

Which Yeshiva MM ?
Sounds like the yeshiva where I went in Brooklyn...
But most orthodox yeshivas teach you that in Brooklyn. In some form or another...
The also teach you they're dishonest, drunkards, and so on..
The bigger problem is when they go out in the real world and won't change either.

NotaGeek! said...

Hate + hate just brings more hate.
If you show as a Jew you're kind, respectful and honest...
It can only help this world..
As somebody that has worked with mostly non jewish staff in the past I can attest to this...

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I've seen exactly this, kids always saying how the Jews are better and everything. I agree with you that were different, but we can't put them down or make racist jokes about it.

btw, I can guess what camp you must of went to...I went there for one year.

Shorty said...

Years and years and years ago, i went to a Jewish school for age 5-17. As far as I was concerned back then, the Jewish people were It. Non Jews, were, well, non existant.

When i went to university, i was shocked to find out that many of them were, actually...shhh friendly...shhh...

I think it is important to learn tolerance for other religions and people. I guess the question is - is it more important to convert everyone, or to have peace amongst nations?

Originally From Brooklyn said...

I think I'm better just because I'm me, being a Jew is only a bonus. Kudos to Ego, everyone.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Maidel: well a bunch of things, first of all I don't think we're the same age, so you probably wouldn't have gotten a chance to see me if we were in the same camp. Second we probably went different years.

But yea, I think I just assumed you went to a certain one because you said it technically wasn't a Jewish camp. So I thought of one that's like that, because it gets aid from the government or something.

Stephanie said...

thats one of the reasons i took my son out of hebrew school..because of those teachings, which imho is totally wrong..reminds me of nazis.