Thursday, November 27, 2008

hoping for thanksgiving

I want wish my fellow Americans a very Happy Thanksgiving. Let's pray that it will be a real day of Thanks and that the people being held hostage right now in Mumbai, India, are left unharmed and are soon released. Please say Tehillim (Perek Chaf) for the Chabad Shluchim Rabbi Gavriel Noach ben Freida Bluma, his wife Rivka bas Yehudis and their son Moshe Tzvi ben Rivka, and for all the other people involved in this crisis.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, is your blog sheimos now? Does that mean I can't close the tab?

Maidel said...

listen babe, i definitely don't normally 'tehillim spam', but i think this is a pretty special case, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didnt mean to sound frivolous about that.

Why'd you take down the poster? Thats what I was talking about btw, because it had Hashems name on it.

Mikeinmidwood said...

they werent the only ones taken hostage about 200 more were.

Anonymous said...

ya, she mentioed the others!