Monday, January 12, 2009

worth a watch - I Love You, Man

this is for the guys! (looks like a movie you can take your girl to)


Maidel said...

big WAS metro...

but you have a point - I'm still rooting for Aiden!

Dina said...

Not all gays are feminine or are attracted to feminine men, either. Men and women, whatever their sexual orientations, are individuals and do not all want the same things. Come to think of it, you can, for example, think of a sensitive man as feminine, because of your perception that sensitivity is primarily a female characteristic. Not to get into a whole discussion about gender stereotypes here, or anything. Oh, and nice clip, MM :)

Lost And Not Yet Found said...

I want to watch..

Ookamikun said...

not watching

Anonymous said...

big was so not metro. he was decidedly a mans man. i see him hanging out with buddies at a bar. not in a salon getting his nails done!!

dina, what i am talking about is a public perception. yes, a generalization. or, if you prefer, a stereotype.

for example: the fact that not every man thinks about sex more than his female counterpart does not detract from the validity of the generalization that men think about sex more than women.

i therefore maintain that women do not desire a man who is feminine but rather one who is manly. that fact that some women prefer broccoli, though relevant, does not contradict the stereotype.

Dina said...

But what use are the generalizations, if, when dealing with a specific person, you still have to take into account their individual characteristics and not just proceed on the basis of the generalization? If we're talking about something like marketing a movie to a general audience, as long as there are enough people who will spend money to see it, it will get made.

I don't like the chick flicks either, because most of them are silly and pointless and buy into (a different set of) stereotypes. And drawing real life lessons from TV ... well, people who do probably deserve what they get.

Maidel said...

dina - movies are for entertainment!
chick flicks are supposed to be fun! (not psychoanalyzed)

4ron said...

Wow I totally could of nailed Paul Rudd's part...that movie is the story of my life...damn it I even understood the whole sex and the city conversation

frum single female said...

i just love paul rudd. id watch any movie he is in.

nameless, faceless said...

I'm like down to the wire on Shabbat stuff, but I just have to say - I love Paul Rudd with the white hot fire of a thousand suns.

Well, maybe not that much, but two very specific moments of love for him:

1. In Clueless, when he is sitting on top of the stairs with Cher and he catches her wrist and then kisses her and it's alksdjfslk hot.
2. In Object of My Affection (I think?), when he is just crying at the end, telling Jennifer Anniston "I want Paauuul". I really have cried like a baby here.

Hahaha, I should delete all this, but I won't. It's good evidence that at least *some* part of me is American....