Tuesday, December 2, 2008

mm is no ho

So apparently, an attempt of mine to be funny didn't go over so well.

On FrumSatire's post about our convo (http://www.frumsatire.net/2008/11/26/can-you-be-frum-if-your-not-shomer-negiah/), I made the following comment in response to Hesh saying that he has been on tefillin dates but didn't actually do the deed:

"If you didn’t sleep with her, its not a real Tefillin date Hesh! I’ve slept with boys…..but only sleep happened. So no shomer rules broken, right?"

Apparently some people, cough cough FrumPunk, think that I, MM, am a woman of ill-repute.

How can I blame him, ummm them, when my tagline is that "I am not an aidel maidel".

Should I clarify? Should I say that I am currently indeed quite shomer.... (not counting handshakes and hugging uncles)

I am not Aidel. I don't hide my collarbones, I use the F-word when I drive, I like fruity cocktails.
But Ho I surely am not.


NotaGeek! said...

"FrumPunk, think that I, MM, am a woman of ill-repute."

Isn't this a yes or no question...
Just be honest....

Maidel said...

oh no!
not you too!

and the answer is most definitely not!

NotaGeek! said...

Sorry I did not mean to judge you in any way, and neither would I based by a blog post or comment or two.
That would be totally unfair...
I just found the original post confusing.

So thanks for the clarification...

Anonymous said...

Ooh boy... some things just t'aint private, is they? They just t'aint.

To clarify, I never called you a ho, I just took that to assume you were at a certain level of shomer.

For the record, I don't cover my collarbones either. In fact, I'm waxing my chest right now while I'm driving.

EsPes said...

hahahha frum punk is funny

EsPes said...

oh and btw- i totally understood what u meant when u wrote that comment on frumsatires post

Anonymous said...

frum-wouldn't you have to have hair on your chest in order to wax it?

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

a few things, 1- MM I was able to tell that your not a "ho" and that you keep "shomer".

2- covering collarbones makes a person aidel? do you mean to say that you would war low necklines? or that you just don't use tznius buttons? or safety pins?

SemGirl said...

MM...Me dou thinketh thou protesteth too much .....

Maidel said...

semgirl -

MM thinks you should brush up on your Shakespeare.

Get the line right next time, semgirl!

