Wednesday, June 18, 2008

not being legal at your own wedding

Just a thought.... in the US, the legal drinking age is 21 (or at least in my state). So what happens when the bride and groom at a wedding are under age? Are they still allowed to drink the wine under the Chuppah? Does the Rabbi have to card them? Ask their parents for permission? Maybe they have to stick to grape juice....
What happens when the young couple need to rent a car for their honeymoon? A lot of rental places require you to be at least 25! Pretty silly to have to take the bus when you're already responsible for making dinner...


BrooklynWolf said...

My guess is that the wine you drink by the wedding probably has the status of "sacramental wine" which can be served to minors.

The Wolf

Maidel said...

hmmm what about drinks served at the reception? (on the men's side, of course)

BrooklynWolf said...

For drinks from the bar, the chosson would have to be carded, just like anyone else.

The Wolf

Anonymous said...

No wine for shabbos either. I have wondered about that. I`can't image that the majority of young chasanim are driking grape juice for the first few years of marrige.

Anonymous said...

Somebody told me a story that when their daughter got married, the first friday afterwards his son-in-law calls him frantically an hour before shaboos asking him to buy some wine for him because he was refused the sale.

Lion of Zion said...

i thought from the title that the post would be about one of 2 other common legal problems with jewish weddings.

anyway, what's the problem with using grape juice at a wedding or for kiddush?


are you sure that sacramental wine may be served to minors?

Anonymous said...

I've been worrying recently about this being 25 for car rentals thing. Is there no way around it?

Maidel said...

i think you may be able to rent a car if you're younger, but you pay a lot more...

Rafi G. said...

what about kiddush on shabbos?

BrooklynWolf said...


No, I can't state for certain that I'm right on that. However, I'm guessing that within reasonable limits it's okay... otherwise you'd have the police raiding every bris.

The Wolf